Friday, January 28, 2011

Three in the Morning

Fact: “The Claw” is the part of a film camera that grabs the film by its sprocket holes and pulls it down to advance the film. It does this 24 times a second.

The most brilliant plans, theories, and philosophical insights grace human minds with their presence in the sleep deprived state around three in the morning. No drugs, alcohol, or special “brain food” required; simply staying awake with friends until the wee hours of the morning (sometimes until when the sun comes up the next day) somehow gets those “think outside the box”, creative juices flowing. The end result of these sleep deprived conversations is roughly 15% practical plans and ideas, 25% philosophical and serious conversation topics, and 60% absolute silliness.

Such Three in the Morning activities include*: muting a telenovela and re-dubbing it, having a serious conversation about how kids of future generations should read Harry Potter (all at once since they’re all published, or one book a year so the anticipation builds like it was when they were first published?), making detailed and elaborate travel plans, and embarking on artistic endeavors such as a comic book.

To enhance the educational value of a Three in the Morning, consult Wikipedia and link-hop articles for several hours with the occasional detour to Google Images. (I suggest starting with deep sea creatures. There’s some crazy and fascinating stuff living down there!)

*Nope, I’m not your cliche of a party animal college student. Can you tell?

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