Monday, January 10, 2011

Groovy Jellyfish

Welcome to our blog, Oh Snap!  Its creation happened one night after we went clubbin’! There was no alcohol involved in that situation/decision whatsoever.  In fact, there are only three possible outcomes when clubbin’ – pregnancy, STD’s, or making-a-blog-when-you-are-sleep-deprived-at-5-in-the-morning.  Since we weren’t drunk for the first two options, we had to start a blog. 
So, what exactly is our blog about?  Collectively, our blog is about the Busy Lives of Gangstas.  Word up, G. 
Okay, okay, not really. 
Realistically, our blog is about the randomness, awkwardness, and misadventures that we, the creators of Oh Snap!, have gone and will go through during our college years.  Stories will involve real life scenarios, inner musings, and maybe even completely made-up accounts.  Who knows?  So sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the wonderfulness that is Oh Snap!
Quick Intros from the Authors
Melissa – Filmmaker, student, Quidditch player, and the geekiest of the blog authors. I would totally be a lightsaber-wielding hobbit of the noble house of Ravenclaw if I could! (By the way- where’s my letter, Hogwarts?) I have big dreams of being an independent film director/writer, I balance school/work/a social life like your average college student, and sometimes I act like a kid (nerf gun battle, anyone?).
Deborah – I like the simple things in life: blood, lacerations, extra limbs, genetics and unnecessarily long medical terms. Unconventional I know but what is even weirder is my love of facial expressions, my favorite being the face we all make right before we sneeze. It's priceless!
Risa – Deep beneath the outer visage of a girl with a smirk lays a girl with an even bigger smirk and the added bonus of sarcastic/witty comments. Enemies beware.  But, seriously. I read. I write.  I do a lot of research.  And, I sleep.  I play tennis.  I party.  And yet, I still act like a kid.  I am a How I Met Your Mother addict.  I recently got one of those animal pillows shaped like a ladybug, and I could not be more ecstatic.

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