Wednesday, January 19, 2011

*Insert Generic New Semester Post Here*

FACT: In the amount of time it takes you to read this post, 7.8 billion mosquitoes will hatch.  Only 65,000 will be swatted by humans.  If you believe this, then I've got some ocean front property in Arizona that I'd like to sell.

It’s the start of a new semester, which means new adventures and troubles are lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce unannounced like that unfortunate stalker boy who can’t take a hint. Regardless, in my mind, a new semester equates to that of a New Year, – whether you get a new haircut/style; some new (or renewed) goals and ambitions; or a better sense of self – it’s essentially a fresh start.  However, with every new adventure, there are both pros and cons.

The Pros

5) I’m finally getting off my lazy bum and being productive.  Seriously, I spent the whole break catching up on sleep and watching TV.  Now, I have a schedule which tells me when to work and when to be lazy.  It’s nice.  

4) My social life increases exponentially when I’m back at school.  Due to my lack of car, I don’t get to hang out with my hometown friends as much as I would like, and am therefore usually stuck with the family (like on break).  At school however, where I am forced to live amongst my peers and friends, I get to hang out with them whenever I want.  It.  Rocks.

3) It sounds nerdy (because I am nerdy), but I get my education on.  I’ve always believed that knowledge is power, so it feels enlightening to learn and master new areas of interest.

2) New classes mean new professors and classmates.  I can now incorporate knowledge and insight that I have gained from previous classes into my new classes.  Hopefully, I can earn some more of those illusive A’s!

1) I am finally reunited with my suite-mates, whom I love dearly.  They are my third family.  And I have never been so grateful for a group of people in my life.  *insert more gooey-ness here*

The Cons

5) I pretty much had to offer my unborn child to pay for this semester’s tuition and books.  That would be my fourth unborn child since I’ve become a college student.

4) I will never find a boyfriend here.  To quote one of my suite-mates, “Here at SU, you never know if a boy is checking you out because he thinks you’re cute or if he likes your outfit.”  Seriously.  People always think that I’m kidding, but I’m NOT! The female population at this school can attest to that.

3) It might be the Commons food talking, but I will once again get that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach when I finish my work for the day, and then realize there’s other work that I should be working on.  This always happens to me even though the other work that I’m referring to usually isn’t due for a couple of days, if not weeks. The feeling is especially prominent when I’m in research paper mode. Not cool.

2) The Return of the Coffee Addiction:  I will be killing my kidneys (once again) with the massive amounts of coffee that I can drink, especially during all nighters.  If my kidneys could talk, they’d say “f*** you, b****” in a high, squeaky voice. With a Russian accent.  Seriously, I can drink like four or more cups in one sitting and not feel jittery. 

1) Awkward encounters with drunken, fellow students are likely to occur.  Awkwardness will be felt, people will awake the next day wondering just what the heck they did do the previous night, and I will have material for future stories.

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