Thursday, June 9, 2011

I Can Go The Distance!!!

FACT : College students get more amusement and enjoyment out of Disney movies than the movies’ targeted demographic age does.  My, how times have changed.

A little over a month ago, my suitemates and I met up with our former RA’s to have a movie night.  The night resulted in a Disney marathon in which we all sang-along (horribly and off-key) to the songs we grew up with, and briefly debated on which movies were the best in terms of plot development, songs, villains, heroes, etc.  And it got me thinking: which Disney movies have the best characters, songs, etc.?

Best Disney Princess :
By far, I have to say Belle is the best Disney Princess.  Reasons why : She willingly gave up her freedom to save her father.  She’s (book)smart.  She realizes that true beauty comes from within, and is not based on physical appearances. 

Why Disney’s other “ordained” princesses don’t work.  Aurora spends her whole movie asleep; Cinderella had to put pretty clothes on to be noticed by Charming; Snow White bossed woodland creatures and the Dwarfs around; Jasmine was just really naïve, really; Ariel, a mermaid, gave up her life under the sea to marry a human she stalked saved from a shipwreck – she will never see her family again.

Best Disney Hero :
I love Aladdin, hands down.  He’s brave, compassionate, and ridiculously cunning.  Seriously, I would never have thought of a way to make the Genie get me out of the Cave of Wonders without wishing for it.

Best Disney Heroine (that Disney never seems to recognize as a princess) :
Mulan!!! She stole her father’s armor, ran away from home, impersonated a soldier, deceived her commanding officer, dishonored the Chinese army, destroyed the emperor’s palace, AND she saved all of China.  She proved that women are just as capable as men!  Runner ups : Esmeralda and Pocahontas.

Best Disney Villain (nonmagical) :
Contrary to what Melissa believes, the best nonmagical Disney villain, by far, is Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  The man literally burns down all of Paris based on his lustful desire to claim Esmeralda as his own.  Close runner-ups would be Shan Yu (he destroys all of China) and Scar (he killed Mufasa, his brother).

Best Disney Villain (magical) :
Hades.  I know he’s a god, but that should count towards magical abilities, right?  Though, my liking of him may be based on my liking of his voice and his sense of humor.  And his hair is blue fire; how cool is that?!

Best Song(s!) :
Since there is no way in heaven or on earth that I will be able to pick the “best” song, I’m just gonna list a bunch of sub-categories:

Best workout/I need some motivation song
It’s a tie between “Be a Man” – Mulan and “I Can Go the Distance” – Hercules.
Best power ballad that makes you question who you are
“Reflection” – Mulan.
 Best song that makes you question religion
“God Help the Outcasts” – The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
 Best song that you and your girlfriends will use in your new all-girl band
“I Won’t Say I’m in Love” – Hercules.
 Best love song
“Can You Feel the Love Tonight” – The Lion King.
 Best no-worries-or-no-cares-in-the-world song
“Hakuna Matata” – The Lion King (y’see, it’s funny, because it means no worries).
 Best song sung by an enchanted dish
“Beauty and the Beast” – Beauty and the Beast.
 Best song sung by a minor character
“Under the Sea” – The Little Mermaid.
 Best song sung by a villain
“Hellfire” – The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
 Best power ballad sung by a hero
“Out There” – The Hunchback of Notre Dame.