Saturday, April 16, 2011

Stories and films and characters, Oh My!

Fact: “The Hobbit” will not only be shot on 3D (I’m still undecided about whether that adds anything to the film/story), it will also be shot at 48 frames per second, opposed to the traditional 24fps. That means the film will capture twice as much action in the scene, making the movements more realistic and less intermittent/choppy. You don’t notice with 24fps, but maybe after watching “The Hobbit” the world will see.

I’ve been living in films and stories for the past few weeks. I played in an intercollegiate Quidditch Tournament (yes, it’s real, it’s awesome, and it’s intense) which involved hours in a car going halfway across the state and conversation that consisted of wonderfully geeky things (Harry Potter, LOTR, Star Trek, Glee, old school Disney + sing-a-longs, etc). I’ve also been working on three separate film projects, with some coming along better than others. So, I’ve been immersed in characters. Thus, I announce some of Meli’s Fictional Character Awards!

Best Character

My favorite fictional character is, hands down, Columbo from the 1970s detective show. He’s funny, bumbling, and always has “just one more thing” to ask. The clever part of Columbo: that’s all part of his act. He’s smart, knows who did the crime early on and cleverly lures the murderer into a false sense of security before BAM! Arrest. Mystery, comedy, a-ha moments, and a cop who’s as squeamish as I am? Love it!

Best Disney Villain

Cruella de Ville. She wanted to kill a bunch of sweet, innocent, adorable little puppies for a coat?! Crazy, demented monster… Honorable Mention goes to Ursella from “The Little Mermaid” for that creepy scene at the end where she gets enormous and her voice goes all deep. *shudder*

Gandalf or Dumbledore?

Tough one, since I’m a fan of both. LOTR made me want to make films/helped me find my passion/obsession, but I grew up with Harry Potter and it was a part of me for ten years (and more, since I spend my weekends driving to play in distant Quidditch tournaments). Both Gandalf and Dumbledore should have filled in their respective heroes much earlier, though I suppose it’s the wise mentor archetype’s job to give little bits of info and let the hero go through hell on a quest for knowledge. I do think Dumbledore hid the most useful info, even when it was just suspicions about horcruxes, which makes me more inclined to have Gandalf join me on my next epic quest. Gandalf also came back from the dead with more power than you could possible imagine! (That was a Star Wars reference for you pop-culturally deprived people out there.) My vote goes to Gandalf, but barely.

Best Theme Song

Tie between the Pink Panther and Darth Vader. Both iconic, both perfect for their character. One makes you feel classy and maybe a little sneaky, and the other makes you feel like a badass. Cool stuff.

If I could have lunch with one character right this second…

Richard Castle, from the TV show “Castle.” I was watching it earlier, I’m writing a spec script of it, and I think he’d be fun to hang out with. We’d go have lunch somewhere like an ice cream store and hang out and talk about plots and writing while quoting geeky awesome stuff.

And thus concludes the Meli’s Fictional Character Awards!